Saturday, March 14, 2009

It is Possible to Run Your Car With Water That is Converted to a Combustable Gas?

Tired of spending $4 on a gallon of gas? Well, what if someone just came along and told you that now you can double your car's mileage by burning water instead of the over-priced oil? This saves your pocket and is really good for the environment too, which is deteriorating due to the harmful effects of carbon emissions. If you think this is practically impossible, think again. We have successfully installed this system in thousands of vehicles and this runs perfectly well on all sorts of vehicles, cars, SUVs and even trucks.

This easy to install system works on a very simple principle- it breaks the water molecules into a gas called HOH, using the battery of your car. Basically, it derives the energy to carry out this fission through your battery terminal itself. This gas is flammable, and the car's engine runs on the energy produced by burning this gas. This phenomenon is being used my many such systems available in the market, but most of them go for more than $1000 a piece, our system, on he contrary uses the same technology, more efficiently and is available t less than $150.

Looking at the kind of savings this product has in store for you, considering the spiraling fuel costs, this a very economical bet indeed. This system simply supplements your car's fuel (petrol or diesel) and burns water instead, this results in increased mileage efficiency and you also end up doing your bit for the environment by burning lesser fuel than you would normally have burnt.

Eric Smith is a blogger, marketer, merchant and web site owner. He has a blog created to help a person find a fuel alternative at

Mortgage Refinance - Tips to Help You Cut Fees and Costs

Saving money through a mortgage refi is more than just finding the lowest interest rates. You can further cut fees and costs through the structure of your loan, avoiding PMI, and buying lower interest rates.

Close Credit Card Accounts

Close inactive credit card accounts to improve your credit score, making you eligible for lower interest rate loans. You will need to notify the credit card companies in writing that you wish the accounts closed on your request.

Next, check your credit report after 30 days to be sure closed accounts include the comment Closed at Customers Request. You want future lenders to know it was your request and not bad credit that closed your accounts. Also, take the time to check for any mistakes in your credit report that could negatively impact your credit score.

Avoid The Hidden Cost Of PMI

When refinancing a mortgage, as many as 30% of homeowners cash out part or all of their homes equity. By investing in home improvements or paying off credit cards, this can be a smart. But, if you are borrowing more than 80% of your homes value, you will be hit with private mortgage insurance, costing you hundreds a year.

Pay Points Now

If you are planning to stay in your home for several years, then you can save money by paying points for lower interest rates. You pay up front fees to ensure you have lower interest payments over the course of your loan. Remember, this only works if you keep your mortgage for several months.

Choose A Short-Term Loan

Short-term mortgages offer lower interest rates than long-term mortgages. You save money by the lower interest rates and shorter payment period. The trade off is a larger monthly payment, but this option can save you thousands.

Ask About Fees

Fees are a hidden cost of many mortgage loans. By law, lenders must disclose fees within three days of a loan application. Fees can go by many names like document prep fees, courier fees, administrative fees, and more.

When comparing refi options for your mortgage, request a list of fees from several lenders. Add these fees with the interest of a loan. With these figures, you may be surprised that the cheapest loan didnt have the lowest interest rate.

To view our recommended sources for refinance mortgage loans online, visit
this page: Recommended
Refi Mortgage Lenders Online

Carrie Reeder is the owner ABC Loan Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.

Find Your Next Car Bargain at Auto Auctions

Whenever people are looking for a used car there are a few ways that they go about searching. Looking through local newspapers or on used car websites are two of the most popular methods. However, has visiting a used car auction every occurred to you?

The majority of people will say "no", or that they have briefly considered it but cast the idea aside. Visiting an auto auction can be somewhat daunting if you are not a car enthusiast or don't take along someone who knows what to look out for. After all, you don't want to buy a car that ends up with problem after problem and have to continually pay maintenance costs.

You can however find some great bargains at auto auctions providing you know what you are looking for. For many reasons it's possible to find a car that is ideal for you or just too good a deal to pass up. Dealerships often sell unwanted cars at auctions to make a quick sale.

When I first went to a car auction I was a little out of my depth. I wasn't sure what type of car I wanted, what I should look out for before entering the auction, and how much I should be willing to spend on any particular car that I find suitable. My second time of visiting an auto auction however involved taking a car dealer friend who knew the "ins-and-outs" of many car makes and models, including their value. If possible this is a good thing to do if you are seriously planning on bidding at an auction.

Many of the cars found at auto auctions are those that have been seized by banks and governments from people who haven't been able to pay outstanding loans. Due to this it's possible to find some real gems at auctions, including vintage cars and brand new models which still have warranty.

Be aware though that even if there are some great cars available it is very easy to get carried away with the bidding. Make sure you have your price limit and you stick to it. Auctions are designed in a way that it is easy to get drawn into the initial bidding at a low price, but as the price starts to get high it also very easy to put in an extra bid in an attempt to snatch the catch in the auction, only to be outbid, and then bid higher again. You can see how some people end up paying over the odds for cars at auctions. Conversely, it's also possible to find some real bargains.

For more automotive reviews and news head over to

Home Equity Popularity

These types of loans and credit have grown in popularity over the years and since the 80s have increased in value. There has been a marked increase in home equity lines of credit as well. There has been a soar in property values and many homeowners have now learned about the management of debt. This property value surge has been influenced mainly by factors such as attractive interest rates and tax deductibility.

The fact that home equity loans and lines of credit are secured by the property of the borrower this means that lenders will think of them as almost secure as primary mortgage. The fact remains that the home equity rates are higher than the typical primary mortgage but they are indeed lower than other means of borrowing. A credit card has a higher interest rate as well as some types of loans especially car loans. This makes them appealing to many persons also as they provide a means to attaining funding that will cost less overall than the typical loan.

Another factor that contributes to the popularity of home equity loans is the fact that they are tax deductible. There was a time that consumer debt was tax deductible but this is no longer so as the government was losing a lot. They needed to find a way to alleviate the budget deficits without raising taxes. Thus, they decided to yank the tax deduction for consumer interest. This was done with the exception of mortgage debt. This means that home equity still falls under this category and you are still able to claim on your taxes for this.

Another connected way to get cash is something called cash out refinancing. This is related to home equity but in order for this to be used there must be some points. These are that the mortgage rates should have dropped and the value of the property should have risen. In the early years this was the market and cash out refinancing was also popular in the early 21st century.

They were able to refinance their primary mortgages for a value greater than the outstanding balance. The process simply means that once the value of the property has increased you are able to refinance your present mortgage up to that amount and pay off the old mortgage. This means off course that you must be capable of paying a mortgage for the higher balance. These installments may be higher than your present installments and you will have to be prepared to meet this to qualify.

It is important even though these financing options are popular to consider carefully which the best option for you to opt for is. There are many that will advise that home equity is better and others that think home equity lines of credit are the way to go. When you are faced with these decisions look carefully at all the options and weigh which is best based on sound financial advice. You will never willing put your home at risk and therefore make sure you are capable of meeting the payments that are planned.

#1 Equity Home Loan ,, provides home equity mortgage financial marketplace which connects consumers with finance lenders who will help you develop a solid financial plan for your home. For more information please visit Home Equity Popularity

Mortgage Refinancing 3 Reasons to Refinance Your Home Mortgage Loan

There are a number of reasons for mortgage refinancing; the average American homeowner refinances their home mortgage every five years. If you are considering mortgage refinancing for any reason, doing your homework and comparison shopping from a variety of mortgage companies will help you avoid many expensive mistakes. Here are three good reasons for mortgage refinancing and several tips to help you avoid overpaying for that loan.

I. Mortgage Refinancing to Lower Your Monthly Payment Amount

Mortgage refinancing is one of the most cost effective ways to lower your monthly payment and free up cash in your budget for other reasons. There are dozens of mortgage refinancing options available for every financial situation. Choosing the right mortgage for your situation will save you thousands of dollars and many future headaches.

The best way to lower your monthly payment when mortgage refinancing is to qualify for a lower interest rate; however, if this is not possible you can still lower your payment by choosing a longer term length for your new loan. Term lengths as long as fifty years will allow you the longest payment possible; however, you will pay a more to the lender in finance charges for this extra time.

II. Mortgage Refinancing to Consolidate Your Bills and Pay off Debts

Mortgage refinancing can help you get control of your bills and pay off your debt. When consolidating your bills under your home loan you are simply borrowing more with your new mortgage than you owe on your existing loan. The difference between your new mortgage loan and what you owe will be paid to you at closing. You can use this money to pay off your existing debts, effectively consolidating them under your home. It is important to understand consolidating your bills does not eliminate debt; however, it simply moves what you around making it easier to manage. Once you consolidate your bills under your mortgage loan, the interest you pay on this debt becomes a tax deduction on your Federal Income Tax.

III. Safeguard Your Payment From Rising Interest Rates

If you used an Adjustable Rate Mortgage to purchase your home, mortgage refinancing with a fixed interest rate loan could give you the peace of mind youre looking for in a declining economy. If you have a low tolerance for risk when it comes to your mortgage payment, refinancing to a fixed interest rate loan could be the answer you need. Keep in mind that fixed interest rate mortgages are more expensive than Adjustable Rate Mortgages.

You can learn more about your mortgage refinancing options, including expensive mistakes to avoid by registering for a free, six-part, video tutorial.

To get your FREE six-part Mortgage Refinancing Tutorial, visit using the link below.

Louie Latour specializes in showing homeowners how to avoid costly mortgage mistakes and predatory lenders. To get your hands on this free video tutorial: "Mortgage Refinancing - What You Need to Know," which teaches strategies for finding the best mortgage and saving thousands of dollars in the process, visit

Claim your free mortgage refinancing tutorial today at:

Reasons For Mortgage Refinancing

Alternative Fuel Powered Cars

Now, we have the technology to run cars on solar power, electricity from your house, gasoline, diesel, ethanol from corn, ethanol from waste, and some enterprising scientists have even found a way to create bio diesel from coffee grounds. Seemingly every day, we have found new ways to fuel our vehicles. It's actually quite a revolutionary time in automobile technology.

While this technology hasn't quite seeped completely into mainstream automobiles yet, it is still possible to find alternative fuel vehicles to drive yourself. One alternative fuel that is very popular with the do-it-yourself crowd, is biodiesel. It is the fuel that you can make yourself from waste vegetable oil or from other sources. The cool thing about biodiesel is that you can convert an old diesel vehicle, which is cheap, to use it just by replacing the hoses. Even better, biodiesel actually runs your diesel engine more smoothly than regular diesel.

Of course, you can't write about alternative fuel powered cars without talking about the hybrid fuel phenomenon, the Toyota Prius. That vehicle has single-handedly taken hybrid cars to the masses and hasn't looked back. Because of that car, other companies such as Ford, Chevrolet, and Chrysler are all working as fast as they can to create a real competitor.

All of this just means more choice and better choices for each and every one of us. We are lucky that while fuel prices have skyrocketed beyond what we ever thought it would, that there are smart people still want to solve this problem.

You can easily convert your car into an electric car or a hydrogen powered car using car conversion kits.

Ronald Wesley is a professional car power analyst.